The purpose of aeration is to reduce the grain temperature to below 20 degrees and to control the moisture in the grain stack. Managed control reduces potential for mould and insect development while protecting grain quality.
The Silo Construction Company installs a range of high capacity fans depending on the farmers requirements and always recommends the installation of an aeration controller. A contoller ensures you get maximum performance at the lowest possible cost.

If an aeration controller is not installed, use the following guidelines:
Run fans continuously, if suitable air is available, when the silo is being loaded and grain is covering the silo floor. This will create a cooling front moving through the grain mass. Period of approx. 5 + days.
The top of the grain mass will be exposed to condensation and the last to be cooled. Fans must run until this is achieved.
The head space above the top of the grain mass will heat and cool on a daily cycle forming condensation while grain moisture is present.
Regardless of the mode, Aeration fans should not operate above 85% relative humidity.
For approx. 7 nights run the fans for 9 to 12 hours overnight.
The top of the grain will continue to be exposed to condensation and the last cooled.
Run fans for approx. 100 hours per month when suitable atmospheric air is available. E.g. Low humidity and temperature.
As the head space heats and cools on a daily cycle we suggest that fans should run reasonably frequently; E.g. each evening, to remove moisture rich air from the head space reducing condensation.

Aeration fans are available from several manufacturers and specified to deliver to your silos main storage task.
Available in single or 3 phase electric motors.
A staggered start feature is highly recommended to manage the power supply to the facility.
Wherever possible fans should have soft start drives incorporated.
The number and type of vents are again matched to your aeration fans and purpose of the silo.
We usually install high flow vents that are sealable and ground operated.
Fully automated options are available.
These devices will decide on when and how much air is required for your grain mass. These choices are determined by the cooling or maintenance phase.
It will choose the air when the desired atmospheric air is available.
They will also manage the staggered start process of the fans.
They can also send signals to start & stop a generator, if installed.
TSCC is not an expert in fumigation; we suggest seeking advice from a specialised supplier or manufacturer of the fumigant for authoritative guidance.
Insect pests are a significant threat to the Australian grain industry. Some of our insect species are now resistant or tolerant to several of the most common chemical treatment compounds, most notably phosphene. The preservation of its effectiveness is important and the basis of the sealed silo and proper fumigation process.
The objective is to have the desired concentration delivered to, and maintained in, your mass of grain. This concentration is to be maintained for minimum of 10 days to achieve the maximum kill of the insect population.
Close down or seal up your silo and leave sealed until fumigation process is finished.
If you have chosen the Harveston fan and automated vent option all you need to do is check the fill point closure and top up the pressure protection.
Install the fan seal plate.
Lock down the sealable vents.
Check the pressure protection liquid levels
Place the fumigant as per the label directions.
Lock down the fill hole lid.
After fumigation return the silo to its maintenance function and clear the residual fumuigant by running the aeration fan.

All SilOz silos are designed with sealability in mind.
We include seal specific structures and use build techniques that we have developed over the years to ensure your silo will achieve and maintain sealability.
Fumigant products requires knowledge and skill to obtain the best effect and ensure safety.
Special boxes are available that allow you to work at ground level and introduce the fumigant gas via fumigation ports we install for this purpose. Consult with us for a supplier.